Moin Moin leaves
Moin moin leaves, also known as ewe eran or adundunmitan, are the leaves of the Thaumatococcus daniellii plant, which is native to the rain forests of West Africa. These leaves are commonly used to wrap and cook moin moin, a popular steamed bean pudding dish in Nigeria.
Moin moin is made from a mixture of washed and peeled beans, onions, fresh red peppers, spices, and often fish, eggs, and/or crayfish. The seasoned mixture is poured into the broad, slanted pyramid-shaped ewe eran leaves, which are then folded and steamed or boiled.
Moin moin leaves are a key ingredient in the preparation of this protein-rich Yoruba food, which is commonly eaten across Yorubaland and close regions in West Africa. They can be purchased fresh or frozen to preserve them for later use
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